Ep. 25 - The Tyler Archives
Happy Halloween Folks.
In this episode we finally become what every audio drama fan wants, a horror podcast. Join us for four bone chilling tales from Whoppertin in a style that definitely doesn’t steal -cough- I mean “borrow” from the Magnus Archives.
Magnus Archives Intro Parody by Leo Macariola
The Anchor (Claire): Intro Piece done by Sam Neisewander
Join Your Fellow Man (Tim): Scoring done by Emmett Husemann
The Tale of Thomas Pierce (James): Scoring by Sam Neisewander
O’Tool Was a Man (Tyler): Horror Ambiance by Emmett Husemann
Claire: Claire Glennon
Tim: James Cullinane
James: Vincenzo Torsiello
Tina Boop: Megan Staley
Captain Bertha: Isabella Garcia
Jane the Bully: Tessa Newman
Tyler: Declan Grogan
All short stories and script written by Declan Grogan. He also produced and edited the episode ;)
Thank you to the Audiomint network for having us aboard!