Ep.6 - Through The Woods
This week I prove my theory that Mr. Pierce (Matt Hawkins) is the kidnapper of Todd Waterson (Leo Macariola). Unfortunately he stays inside his gated community all day with only his son James (Vincenzo Torsiello) leaving. I plan to confront James while he is away from his friends Claire (Claire Glennon), Tim (James Cullinane), and Jess (Teagan Earley). Man I feel like I said a lot of names there. Maybe that makes it seem like a big mid season release. I'll say a few more random names in hopes that people come listen. Ranger Hoover (Colleen Grogan) and Mrs. Pierce (Isabella Garcia). Hopefully that will do it.
Vincenzo Torsiello: https://spoti.fi/3erRQeQ (His awesome music)
James Cullinane: https://spoti.fi/37O0IJj (Tink Thank) @jaymowis @thisgoodlyframe (insta)
Teagan Early: @teaganearleyofficial (insta)
Leo Macariola: @leomacariola (insta)
Colleen Grogan: @notbutterthanjif (insta)
Created by Declan Grogan (https://twitter.com/GroganDeclan)
Music by Emmett Husmann (https://emmetthusmann.com/)